Jan 31, 2010

Saving Democracy from Hypocracy, Sychphancy, Corruption, Dishonesty & Incompetence!

Two blogs are doing great writings to lay bare the poor quality of Indian Democracy.
India-awake (http://india-awake.blogspot.com) has aptly concluded that  only after getting rid of the purely selfish, greedy, corrupt, dishonest and incompetent politicians, Indians can truthfully sing to proudly claim Sanre Jahan Se Aachha. Till such cleanising takes place clearly singing that song would not only he hypocracy and sychophancy and fasehood. I compliment him and add: We must be prepared to accept the realties and truth:
1. Today's corrupt, selfish, incompetent, useless and treacherous politicians are the result of the lack of vision or deliberate plan of the politicians of yesterday. Today's politicians did not fall from heaven.
2. In a democracy or socialist/ communist country, the people choose those who would rule the country. If the citizens have chosen corrupt and selfish politicians to represent them and rule, that has to be accepted.
3. The problem lies on the people choosing and supporting the dishonest, corrupt incompetent and useless persons, why should some one cry?
4. If today's electorate prefer corruption, dishinesty and incompetence as good, this is because they (especially the younger generations), the only way out is to provide adequate information and analyses to them so that they can appreciate that by choosing and suporting dishonesty, corruption, inefficiency and incompetence, the country as a whole loses.

So the tasks for such bloggers and others are (a) to enable people develop in themselves a keen urge for honesty in public life: once more and more people appreciate the need for choosing morally strong, honest, capable politicians, they would do so and (b) continuously disseminate to the people authentic information of the personal, social, financial, educational and moral standards of all polticians: this can be done by independent rating of each politician. (see two earlier posts in this blog). As more and more people join in these two tasks, hopefully one day most citizens will know what to do and will get rid of what is bad for their present and future.

Prajatantra (http://prajatantra.blogspot.com/) has been laying bare the hycracy and sychphancy in Indian politics. I compliment this blogger for his efforts and add that Hypocracy and Sycophancy are ingrained in Indian society for long: after all, centuries of foreigner domination could have taught most people to remain poor not merely in economic terms but also in terms of strength of character, values and intellectual independence. One cannot correct these by imposing democracy, socialism, secularism and republicism through legislation from above as the elite freedom fighters did in 1951 and later. These words convey nothing to crores of Indian today: they had no meaning for crores of Indians 60 years ago or 40 years ago.
For decades, India's children are not getting chance to live the values these words represent either at home or at school or in social groups/ clubs. The process of character building remains weak and inadequate to make democracy, socialism, secularism, and republicism work meaningfully. With weakness of character, society can only witness degradation. That is the illness. Sychphancy and hypocracy are only two symptoms of that cancerous diesease that India is unable to treat. Find solutions to eradaicate that disease. The best way of attacking and eradicating a disease is to treat the disease rather than concentrating resources on treating the symtoms. We have to find a solution to cut at the roots of the disease even as we attack incidence of the symptoms.

Earler, Prajatantra made a cogent analsis and assessment of ministers in the current Government of India. Unfortunately, however, I felt that all this effort was in vain and widow's crying in the so-called Indian democracy of ovwerwheming State presence in all spheres of national life. Even after 60 years Indians, even the educated are suffering from illusion and ignoring to accept the reality and truth as follows:

1. Ministers in democracy are more likely to be incompetent, corrupt, intellectually poor and expensive burden to the nation than otherwise. So, why expect something that has a very low probability of occurence. Rather, think how to convince the Indian people that India does not need more than 10 ministers and no one can be made a minister without the following: (a) 75% percentile score in the Common Admission Test conducted by IIMs for management students,(b) a pass certificate of physical and mental fitness test for working with agility for 20 hours a day at a stretch for 30 days and for 330 days a year, and (c)a minimum performance rating of AA by three independent rating agencies based on evaluation of past performance and current performance done every year.

2. Governments cannot control inflation or unemployment irrespective of whatever power that the citizens may have vested in them. We should stop believing that Governments can control inflation or unemployment or poverty. There is no scientific basis of the magical power you believe the governments have. Rather, demand of the governments to minimize its expenditure, demand of them to target absolute reduction in administrative and other revenue expenditure (except flood/ draught/ natural calamity relief expenditure). Stop governments from ownong any company like Air India or banks or manufacturing or service establishments. Educate people that Government and politicians cannot really help the country except in the area of internal and external security and providing infrastructure like roads, bridges, etc. The more the citizens expect the Govt. to provide them with economic services, more will be corruption, inefficiency, wastage, uncertainty, poverty, oppression, economic repression,. Ecopnomies grow not because of the Government but despite or inspite of governments all over the World.
Unless the younger generation are convinced that hypocracy and sychphancy are bad and damaging for their future, quality of India's democracy will continously decline. People will then long for an opportunity to get rid of this burden and chain of exploitative democracy only for the benefit of the dishonest, the corrupt, the hypocrite and a few sychphants and not the common people as claimed by poltical philosophers, school teachers, politicians and the educated elite.